Human help - Energy healings for humans
Energy healing - what on earth, for me????
While an energy healing is in no way is meant to replace a trip to the doctor, it can aid in treatment. How you ask? It can help locate ailments, relax you enough so treatments can be most positively received by your body and elevate your body's overall frequency to that of a more healing energy. Peaked your curiosity?
Think meditation. Have you ever mediated? Or have you been around someone who practices meditation on a regular basis? What is that like? If it's you meditating, then don't you feel more relaxed after meditating? Energy work of any kind is simply movement of energy that your don't need, isn't doing you any good or is blocking you from where you need to be. Thus, that "feel good" space you enter with meditation. You raise your frequency, if only a bit and drop unneeded energies. An energy healer can narrow in on what needs to be done, including those hidden energies, and move them or help you move them out so you have your own "space" and use it more easily.
Still confused? Here's an example: If you are having anxiety over purchasing a car (good or bad - that is not for the energy healer to say); however the energy healer can move out whatever energy is causing you anxiety so you can make a decision free of interfering energies. Such as you were brought up with the belief that money is difficult to come by so not to spend it unless absolutely necessary. That is an energy put their by your parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles. Your elders. Not necessarily your own energy. Once that interfering energy is moved out, you can gather YOUR OWN information and make YOUR OWN decision without anxiety from other interfering energies. It would be your decision. You would have all the information need. No interfering energies. Kind of an empowering thought, isn't it? And that's just merely one example of what an energy healer can do.